Korean American Electorate: A Statistical Analysis by KAGC

Where are Korean American Voters At?

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it” is the foundational maxim of efficiency engineering. For civic empowerment, too, an accurate measure of the population and electorate serves as a crucial baseline. Yet, no factual, empirical, or objective research has ever been completed for the Korean American community. Such a data set has been published for the AAPI community at large, but a more detailed look could only rely on anecdotal estimation and unsubstantiated information.

It is why the Korean American Grassroots Conference, the largest nationwide network of Korean American voters, is proud to publish its statistical analysis of the Korean American electorate.

Based on the information made public by the U.S. Census Bureau and lists of registered voters provided by the Boards of Elections of three-dozen states, this report preview presents such figures as Korean American population, Korean American voting-eligible population, and registered Korean American voters in select states and its subdivisions.

The full report, to be published in the weeks following the 2019 KAGC National Conference, will include a more comprehensive analysis on each county and congressional district across the United States. Stay tuned for a first look at the report.