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This year we have faced many difficulties. In order to contain the spread of the pandemic, KAGC has been doing its part, too, including the cancellation of the 2020 KAGC National Conference. This does not mean, however, that all the hard work of KAGC and its partner organizations has been in vain.
Instead of in-person events, KAGC has hosted dozens of virtual events with college students, successfully ran the 2020 Congressional Fellowship remotely, and published a number of online resources, such as the KAGC Election Guide. It would not have been possible for us to adapt to these challenges and pivot without the continued support of our friends.
KAGC’s mission has been sustained thanks to the grassroots support from community members like you. That support has made it possible for us to develop and implement programs that equip and empower all Korean Americans to amplify their voices, beyond the annual KAGC National Conference.
And, as we head into the new year, we would like to ask for your help. To meet the new challenges and continue to provide our community with the critical civic resources, KAGC started its second annual Grassroots Donation Drive on December 1st. So far we have received $3,650 from donors of all walks of life—college students, small business owners, those who have attended the KAGC National Conference, and those who hope to in the future.
Your contribution, big or small, can make a huge impact—it’s the gift that uplifts our community! All contributions raised through this holiday season’s drive will fund the development of online resources for the Korean American community’s civic engagement that is accessible, open, and interactive. To support this, we need to raise $30,000 by the end of 2020.