National Conference

KAGC National Conference

Since 2014, KAGC has been hosting a national conference in Washington, D.C. every summer. Its latest national conference in 2018 drew 600 attendees of all age groups from 30 states. Over the 8 years, a total of 36 members of Congress have joined their Korean American constituents at the KAGC National Conference from both sides of the aisle and both chambers of the United States Congress. The KAGC National Conference brings together Korean American community members on the national level to collaborate on raising awareness of the critical issues of the community, and in turn, contribute to the U.S.-Korea alliance.

Over three days of the National Conference, community members discuss policy priorities, explore the Korean American identity through history education, and partake in a massive Action Day to directly engage members of Congress who represent each and every attendee.

2022 National Conference Program

  • Education Day

    2-3PM: Opening Remarks and Introduction
    3-4PM: Korean American Policy Priorities
    4-5PM: Deep Dive on the Adoptee Citizenship Act and Issue Advocacy
    7-8PM: Workshop – Engaging Members of Congress
    8-9PM: Small Group

  • Action Day

    9AM-12PM: Meetings with Members of Congress
    12-1PM: Reception with Members of Congress
    1-3PM: Meetings with Members of Congress
    4-5PM: Panel Discussion with Korean American Elected Officials in State Government
    6:30-9PM: Gala Dinner in Celebration of the 2022 National Conference

  • Reflection Day

    9-10AM: Small Group
    10-11AM: White House Briefing
    11AM-12PM: Q&A with KAGC

2022 KAGC National Conference drew 332 community members from 20 states, including 52 undergraduate students and 5 high school students. Over the three days of the conference, the attendees explored the meaning of the Korean American identity through history education and policy discussions with a focus on advocacy skills development. On the second day of the event, all attendees embarked on Action Day to directly engage with members of Congress who represent their own districts on the critical issues of the Korean American community.

332 attendees
48 Congressional Districts
20 states
42 high school and college students
Sen. Andy Kim
(D, NJ)
Erika L. Moritsugu
White House, Deputy Assistant to the President and AAPI Senior Liaison
Rep. Rick Larsen
Co-Chair, U.S.-China Working Group (D, WA-2)
Rep. Josh Gottheimer
Co-Chair, Problem Solvers Caucus (D, NJ-5)
Rep. Chris Smith
Co-Chair, Tom Lantos Human Right Commission (R, NJ-4)
Rep. Mark Takano
Chair, House Committee on Veterans' Affairs (D, CA-41)
Rep. Bill Pascrell
Ranking Member, House Ways & Means Subcommittee on Trade (D, NJ-9)
Sen. Bob Menendez
Chair, Senate Foreign Relations Committee (D-NJ)
Rep. Judy Chu
Chair, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (D, CA-27)
  • We have a large diaspora, certainly in the United States, but in New Jersey, of Korean Americans who have done exceptionally great work, including the Korean American Grassroots Conference – KAGC. Mr. Dongsuk Kim, I think, is here in the audience. There is a lot of expectation for [Ambassador Philip Goldberg’s] confirmation and presence in South Korea, both by the South Koreans and by the community here.

    Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ)
    Guest of Honor, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022 KAGC National Conference, 2023 Office Opening Reception, 2022 Hearing on Combating the Rising in Hate Crimes
  • I’d like to recognize some of my guests here today, including UNCF and the Korean American Grassroots Conference. Thank you for sharing your concerns with me, and thank you for your important work. Congress can do much to call out these biased crimes.

    Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA)
    2022 Hearing on Combating the Rising in Hate Crimes
  • As the chair of the Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (CAPAC), I’m so happy to be joining the Korean American Grassroots Conference to celebrate Korean American Day. But none of this would be possible without advocates like each of you, so thank you for your leadership.

    REP. JUDY CHU (D, CA-27)
    Guest of Honor, 2023 Korean American Day, 2022 Korean American Day Remark Video, 2017, 2018, 2022 KAGC National Conference
  • On behalf of the White House and the Biden-Harris administration, I wish you all a happy Korean American Day. I would like to thank the Korean American Grassroots Conference and celebrate your continued efforts to engage the Korean American community in civic affairs. Your active participation in the democratic process is a testament to the great American experiment, and you all help make our country stronger.

    Former Congressman Cedric Richmond, Senior Advisor to the President and Director of the White House Office of Public Engagement
    2022 Korean American Day Remark Video
  • It was an honor to speak at the Korean American Grassroots Conference – KAGC National Conference reception on Capitol Hill. KAGC does amazing work advocating for the Korean American community and I can’t thank them enough for always making sure the community’s voices are heard in Washington and North Jersey. I’ve worked with KAGC to ensure our small businesses are recovering from the pandemic-driven economy and that we’re standing up to fight crime and hate, to support law enforcement, and to keep all our communities safe.

    Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D, NJ-5)
    Guest of Honor, 2024, 2023 KAGC Korean American Day, Office Opening Reception, 2022 KAGC National Conference
  • The Korean American community represents what makes our state and country great — incredible local leaders, small business owners, and residents, who all work day in and day out to make North Jersey an even better place to live, raise our families, and do business.

    Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D, NJ-5)
    Guest of Honor, 2024, 2023 KAGC Korean American Day, Office Opening Reception, 2022 KAGC National Conference
  • One of the reasons we have established a successful relationship with the U.S. Congress is through grassroots activities… KAGC played a role in strengthening support from both sides of Congress for South Korea and the U.S.

    ROK Ambassador Cho Hyun-Dong
    Guest of Honor, 2024 Embassy Reception, 2023 Office Opening Reception, 900 Circle Reception
  • The Korean American experience is the American experience. I am proud to be a daughter of a Korean… we are present in American society as soldiers, entrepreneurs, and educators.

    Rep. Marilyn Strickland (D, WA-10)
    Guest of Honor, 2024, 2023 KAGC Korean American Day
  • KAGC is a pillar in our community. I can’t thank you all enough for always lending a helping hand and ensuring Korean American voices are heard here in Washington and across the country, including in North Jersey

    Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D, NJ-5)
    Guest of Honor, 2024, 2023 KAGC Korean American Day, Office Opening Reception, 2022 KAGC National Conference
  • As a person without a strong background related to politics, it was difficult for me to understand what I can do to help. But through the 2018 KAGC National Conference, not only did I gain so many new friends from around the country, but also gained so much better understanding of our community and government.

    Robin Cho, George Washington University
  • As an American solider, my father was wounded in combat in the Korean War. The legacy of my late father is that I honor Americans’ sacrifices and that I honor America’s commitment to South Korea—and that one day, there will be a united Korea. One day the peninsula will be as one. I believe one day all the people of Korea will be free.

    Rep. Mike Coffman (R, CO-6)
    Guest of Honor, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 KAGC National Conference
  • The Korean American community’s bridge-building, opportunities, and responsibilities go much farther—they begin right here in this gathering and extend to going back home. If what we agree on is the importance of faith, of family, of education, and of opportunity, I am here to tell you there’s more that unites us as a nation than that divides us as a nation.

    Rep. Rob Woodall (R, GA-7)
    Guest of Honor, 2016, 2017, 2018 KAGC National Conference
  • The work that you do on the grassroots level is truly outstanding. As many of you know I am very proud to represent many Korean American constituents across my district.

    Rep. Bill Pascrell (D, NJ-9)
    Guest of Honor, 2014, 2016, 2022 KAGC National Conference
  • It is an honor to recognize KAGC’s success in empowering and mobilizing the Korean American community to take action at every level possible to address issues concerning the community…I commend KAGC for its commitment to ensuring that the Korean American community has a strong voice in issues that will affect generations to come.

    Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ)
    Guest of Honor, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2019, 2022 KAGC National Conference, 2023 Office Opening Reception
  • To have 600 of you raising your voices, letting your views be known, is such a great step forward. I am particularly proud that you are doing this. As Chair of Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus, I know only too well how much need we have to make sure that our voices are represented.

    Rep. Judy Chu (D, CA-27)
    Guest of Honor, 2023 Korean American Day, 2022 Korean American Day Remark Video, 2017, 2018, 2022 KAGC National Conference
  • I admire the genuine passion powering KAGC. It’s one of the few experiences I have had where I was able to connect with Korean Americans from diverse regions and backgrounds. It is relieving and inspiring to see an organization aim to and then successfully bring a community of Korean Americans for the same goal.

    Josephine Kim, Wellesley College
  • President Trump’s rhetoric on “Make America First”—I want you to understand that we cannot do that alone. It is with the Korean American community, the bridge to Korea, that we row together…The only way we can make this country great is if we help our partners become great, too. That is what you can count on from this administration, from this Congress, and you can count on our support.

    Rep. Ted Yoho (R, FL-3)
    Guest of Honor, 2017 & 2018 KAGC National Conference

2019 KAGC National Conference drew 600 community members from 31 states, including 104 undergraduate students and 108 high school students. Given the diversity of the attendees, the 2019 National Conference featured 3 program tracks: KAGC, KAGC U, and KAGC Jr. Over the three days of the conference, the attendees explored the meaning of the Korean American identity through history education and policy discussions with a focus on advocacy skills development. On the second day of the event, all 335 attendees embarked on Action Day to directly engage with members of Congress who represent their own districts on the critical issues of the Korean American community. The 2019 National Conference also featured a panel discussion with 4 Korean American state legislators.

335 attendees
117 Congressional Districts
31 states
212 high school and college students
Amb. Cho Yoon-Je
Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the United States
Ms. Angela Kerwin
Director, Office of Korean Affairs, U.S. State Department
Rep. Brad Sherman
(D, CA-30)
Rep. Paul Gosar
Congressional Study Group on Korea (R, AZ-4)
Rep. Bill Pascrell
Ranking Member, House Ways & Means Subcommittee on Trade (D, NJ-9)
Sen. Bob Menendez
Chair, Senate Foreign Relations Committee (D-NJ)
Rep. Ted Yoho
Chair, House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific (R, FL-3)
Rep. Joe Wilson
(R, SC-2)

2018 KAGC National Conference drew 600 community members from 30 states, including 100 undergraduate students and 50 high school students. Over the three days of the conference, the attendees explored the meaning of the Korean American identity through history education and policy discussions with a focus on advocacy skills development. On the second day of the event, all attendees embarked on Action Day to directly engage with members of Congress who represent their own districts on the critical issues of the Korean American community.

600 attendees
110 Congressional Districts
30 states
200 high school and college students
Amb. Harry Harris
Ambassador of the United States to the Republic of Korea
Sen. Ed Markey
Ranking Member, Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on East Asia, The Pacific, and International Cybersecurity Policy (D-MA)
Rep. Ted Yoho
Chair, House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific (R, FL-3)
Rep. Rob Woodall
(R, GA-7)
Rep. Ed Royce
Chair, House Foreign Affairs Committee (R, CA-39)
Rep. Grace Meng
(D, NY-6)
Rep. Jimmy Gomez
(D, CA-34)
Rep. Judy Chu
Chair, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (D, CA-27)

2017 KAGC National Conference drew 500 community members from 24 states, including 200 undergraduate students and 50 high school students. Over the three days of the conference, the attendees explored the meaning of the Korean American identity through history education and policy discussions with a focus on advocacy skills development. On the second day of the event, all attendees embarked on Action Day to directly engage with members of Congress who represent their own districts on the critical issues of the Korean American community.

500 attendees
97 Congressional Districts
24 states
130 high school and college students
Rep. Ted Poe
Chair, House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade (R, TX-2)
Rep. Ro Khanna
(D, CA-17)
Rep. Bill Foster
(D, IL-11)
Rep. Lou Correa
(D, CA-46)
Rep. Brendan Boyle
(D, PA-13)
Rep. Mark Takano
Chair, House Committee on Veterans' Affairs (D, CA-41)
Sen. Bob Menendez
Chair, Senate Foreign Relations Committee (D-NJ)
Rep. Ted Yoho
Chair, House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific (R, FL-3)
Rep. Rob Woodall
(R, GA-7)
Rep. Ed Royce
Chair, House Foreign Affairs Committee (R, CA-39)
Rep. Grace Meng
(D, NY-6)
Rep. Jimmy Gomez
(D, CA-34)

2016 KAGC National Conference drew 500 community members from 22 states, including 128 undergraduate students. Over the three days of the conference, the attendees explored the meaning of the Korean American identity through history education and policy discussions with a focus on advocacy skills development. On the second day of the event, all attendees embarked on Action Day to directly engage with members of Congress who represent their own districts on the critical issues of the Korean American community.

500 attendees
110 Congressional Districts
22 states
147 high school and college students
Amb. Mark Lippert (fmr.)
Ambassador of the United States to the Republic of Korea
Rep. Don Young
(R, AK-at large)
Rep. Bill Pascrell
Ranking Member, House Ways & Means Subcommittee on Trade (D, NJ-9)
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Chair Emeritus, House Foreign Affairs Committee (R, FL-27)
Rep. Ed Royce
Chair, House Foreign Affairs Committee (R, CA-39)
Rep. Grace Meng
(D, NY-6)
Rep. Judy Chu
Chair, Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus (D, CA-27)

2015 KAGC National Conference drew 500 community members from 17 states. Over the three days of the conference, the attendees explored the meaning of the Korean American identity through history education and policy discussions with a focus on advocacy skills development. On the second day of the event, all attendees embarked on Action Day to directly engage with members of Congress who represent their own districts on the critical issues of the Korean American community.

600 attendees
110 Congressional Districts
17 states
250 high school and college students
Rep. Paul Gosar
Congressional Study Group on Korea (R, AZ-4)
Rep. Brendan Boyle
(D, PA-13)
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Chair Emeritus, House Foreign Affairs Committee (R, FL-27)
Sen. Bob Menendez
Chair, Senate Foreign Relations Committee (D-NJ)
Rep. Rob Woodall
(R, GA-7)
Rep. Ed Royce
Chair, House Foreign Affairs Committee (R, CA-39)

The inaugural KAGC National Conference, the 2014 KAGC National Conference drew 300 community members from 6 states. Over the three days of the conference, the attendees explored the meaning of the Korean American identity through history education and policy discussions with a focus on advocacy skills development. On the second day of the event, all attendees embarked on Action Day to directly engage with members of Congress who represent their own districts on the critical issues of the Korean American community.

500 attendees
110 Congressional Districts
6 states
150 high school and college students
Rep. Mark Takano
Chair, House Committee on Veterans' Affairs (D, CA-41)
Rep. Bill Pascrell
Ranking Member, House Ways & Means Subcommittee on Trade (D, NJ-9)
Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen
Chair Emeritus, House Foreign Affairs Committee (R, FL-27)
Sen. Bob Menendez
Chair, Senate Foreign Relations Committee (D-NJ)
Rep. Ed Royce
Chair, House Foreign Affairs Committee (R, CA-39)
Rep. Grace Meng
(D, NY-6)

Past Guests of Honor at the KAGC National Conference

Sen. Andy Kim
(D, NJ)
Erika L. Moritsugu
White House, Deputy Assistant to the President and AAPI Senior Liaison
Rep. Rick Larsen
Co-Chair, U.S.-China Working Group (D, WA-2)
Rep. Josh Gottheimer
Co-Chair, Problem Solvers Caucus (D, NJ-5)
Rep. Chris Smith
Co-Chair, Tom Lantos Human Right Commission (R, NJ-4)
Amb. Cho Yoon-Je
Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to the United States
Ms. Angela Kerwin
Director, Office of Korean Affairs, U.S. State Department
Rep. Brad Sherman
(D, CA-30)
Amb. Mark Lippert (fmr.)
Ambassador of the United States to the Republic of Korea
Rep. Ted Poe
Chair, House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade (R, TX-2)
Rep. Ro Khanna
(D, CA-17)
Rep. Bill Foster
(D, IL-11)
Rep. Lou Correa
(D, CA-46)
Rep. Don Young
(R, AK-at large)