Our team

Rep. Josh GottheimerCo-Chair, Problem Solvers Caucus (D, NJ-5)

Rep. Chris SmithCo-Chair, Tom Lantos Human Right Commission (R, NJ-4)

Sen. Alex Padilla(D-CA)

Amb. Cho Yoon-JeAmbassador of the Republic of Korea to the United States

Ms. Angela KerwinDirector, Office of Korean Affairs, U.S. State Department

Rep. Brad Sherman(D, CA-30)

Morgan Lee (Harvard)KAGC Office

Kyunghyun “Kate” Lee (Wellesley)Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D, NJ-5), Co-Chair, Problem Solvers Caucus

Henry Song (Columbia)Rep. Josh Gottheimer (D, NJ-5), Co-Chair, Problem Solvers Caucus

Sung Jung “John” Kim (Yale)Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission, Rep. Chris Smith (R, NJ-4)